Candid Reflections

February 24, 2010

Tea for Ten

Filed under: Cup of Blessings, Savoring the Moments — Tags: , — candid reflections @ 6:46 am

Miss M.  had some girlfriends over to tea in celebration of yet another year under her belt frilly sash.   She wanted to start off this next year with ruffles and lace and sugar and spice and… all that stuff.  So, with the inspiration of a sweet friend who’d thrown a tea party for her granddaughter just the week before me, I set off to the task! 

Upon the arrival of ten little girls, the fun began!  We made the most adorable high-tea hats, frosted & decorated sugar cookies, and listened to a story while we ate grown-up snacks like cheese and fruit.  If you’re planning to throw a party for kids, I recommend checking out the fun party ideas on

Such a wonderful way to celebreate.  Lovely little ladies + Charming manners = Delightful company!

October 15, 2009

The Little Things

Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 11:10 am


Just pausing a moment to make a list of the little things that make life so enjoyable these days…

The rich colors of the autumn palate.
Walking along roads scattered with colorful, fallen, autumn leaves.
The way an October sunset paints the landscape in a deceptively warm glow.
Fresh sheets that have been misted with the light fragrance of lavender water.
The soft tickle of warm breath on my ear as *Goldie Locks shares a secret with me.
Quiet intensity of ten little eyes peering through the pages of a basketful of new library books.
Listening to the boys read off their list of Boggle words after the sand has completed its tour through the hour  glass.
The smell of his neck on a Sunday afternoon when I nestle in beside him on the couch.
Sipping hot coco from the bleachers while watching *History Buff’s football game.
The vase of fragrant flowers greeting me from the windowsill at my kitchen sink.
The pleading of my children to read on, “Just one more chapter, mom, please!”
The dancing of leaves on the windy gusts of the season’s first storm.
Cooking with fresh herbs from the herb garden.
Warm, fuzzy new socks.

 *Goldie Locks – youngest child,  History Buff – eldest child


July 8, 2009

beautiful feet

Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 11:02 pm


It seems as though the last time I gazed upon you, you were a quarter of the size you are now, and had traces of ink after having left your print on the treasured page of a baby book.  Now, there are traces of dirt and you’re leaving your prints all over my floors…

and heart

Where did the time go?   sigh…

May 28, 2009

Thank You ~ Whomever you may be

Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 11:07 pm

This evening, we were the recipients of a random act of kindness.  Just look at all these goodies that were delivered our way!  Our home was filled with thrill, delight, and a bit of conjecture as we filled our tummies with some tasty treats.  Thank you for this wonderful gift… whomever you may be!  🙂



May 12, 2009

I need a hammock.

Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 6:00 pm

Can you think of an atmosphere more peaceful than right smack-dab in the middle of nature on a sunny, warm afternoon?  Our family enjoyed a pic-nick at the park for Mother’s Day and I spotted my niece Hailey enjoying this little nook in a big stump.  Doesn’t she look like a little chipmunk in there!


William H. Davies

      What is this life if, full of care,
      We have no time to stand and stare?

      No time to stand beneath the boughs
      And stare as long as sheep or cows.

      No time to see, when woods we pass,
      Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

      No time to see, in broad daylight,
      Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

      No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
      And watch her feet, how they can dance.

      No time to wait till her mouth can
      Enrich that smile her eyes began.

      A poor life this if, full of care,
      We have no time to stand and stare.

March 20, 2009


Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 6:02 pm


Kicking back, and feeling overwhelmingly and undeservedly loved by precious friends and family who pray… cook delicious meals… clean neglected bathrooms… wrangle rambunctious youngins… care for horses, a goat, and dogs & cats… wash and fold loads of unsightly laundry… send delightful cards & flower bouquets, gifts of music, reading materials/websites, & movies for my cabin-fevered mind… take the time to call & visit… chauffeur me to therapy appointments… and send delightful tea blends to soothe my soul.  How else could a girl with an injured pelvis and the last several weeks on crutches have survived, emotionally or physically?  There’s just no way!                             .

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