Candid Reflections

February 24, 2010

Tea for Ten

Filed under: Cup of Blessings, Savoring the Moments — Tags: , — candid reflections @ 6:46 am

Miss M.  had some girlfriends over to tea in celebration of yet another year under her belt frilly sash.   She wanted to start off this next year with ruffles and lace and sugar and spice and… all that stuff.  So, with the inspiration of a sweet friend who’d thrown a tea party for her granddaughter just the week before me, I set off to the task! 

Upon the arrival of ten little girls, the fun began!  We made the most adorable high-tea hats, frosted & decorated sugar cookies, and listened to a story while we ate grown-up snacks like cheese and fruit.  If you’re planning to throw a party for kids, I recommend checking out the fun party ideas on

Such a wonderful way to celebreate.  Lovely little ladies + Charming manners = Delightful company!

October 19, 2009

Sips, Sprinkles, and Sweet Company

Filed under: Savoring the Moments — candid reflections @ 8:48 pm

“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” 

                                                          ~Amanda Bradley

teaparty copy

May 30, 2009

hEaVenLy PeRfuMe

Filed under: flowers, Savoring the Moments — candid reflections @ 8:32 am

How could I grumble over doing the dishes with a vase of tHeSe at my windowsill??  Their aroma carried on the breeze is enough to hold me captive long past the last dish, ahhhh…


I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in.
                                                                                                                                                     ~George Washington Carver





April 27, 2009

What I’ve been up to…

Filed under: Savoring the Moments — candid reflections @ 8:12 pm


                                                                        Eating strawberries
                                                                 Baking almond pound cake
                                                           Writing overdue thank you notes
                                                      Hanging clothes out to dry in fresh air
                                                    Celebrating another year of life gone by
                                                Organizing bathroom drawers and cabinets
                                          Taking pictures of my gorgeous newborn nephew
                                    Painting 20 delicate little fingernails a cotton candy pink
                                 Basking in some soul stirring music gifted by a sweet friend
                                      Soaking in the warm sunshine during reading lessons
                                            Enjoying great company during girls night out
                                              Savoring a pedicure alongside a dear friend
                                                      Crocheting tri-colored wash clothes
                                                             Drowning in a sea of laundry
                                                               Watching a favorite movie
                                                                        Grocery shopping

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