Candid Reflections

March 27, 2009

In a Nut Shell

Filed under: Mental Mosaic — candid reflections @ 2:09 pm


Today I tried a one-word meme.   Lots of fun!

1. Your cell phone?  obsolete

2. Your significant other? hero

3. Your hair? unkept

4. Your mother? nurturing

5. Your father? dependable

6. Your kids? possibilities

7. Your favourite thing? family-time

8. Your dream last night? forgettable

9. The room you are in? cozy

10. Your fear? confinement

11. What you’re not? refined

12. Last thing you did before logging on? snacked

13. Where did you grow up?  country

14. What are you wearing? sweats

15. Your computer? instrumental

16. Favourite place? nature

17. Your mood right now? contemplative

18. Missing someone? longingly

19. Something you’re not wearing?  glasses   

20. Your life?  blessed

March 22, 2009


Filed under: Photography — candid reflections @ 6:04 pm


  “Spring has returned.  The earth is like a child that knows poems.” ~Rainer Maria Rilke


March 20, 2009


Filed under: Cup of Blessings — candid reflections @ 6:02 pm


Kicking back, and feeling overwhelmingly and undeservedly loved by precious friends and family who pray… cook delicious meals… clean neglected bathrooms… wrangle rambunctious youngins… care for horses, a goat, and dogs & cats… wash and fold loads of unsightly laundry… send delightful cards & flower bouquets, gifts of music, reading materials/websites, & movies for my cabin-fevered mind… take the time to call & visit… chauffeur me to therapy appointments… and send delightful tea blends to soothe my soul.  How else could a girl with an injured pelvis and the last several weeks on crutches have survived, emotionally or physically?  There’s just no way!                             .

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