Candid Reflections

March 7, 2010

Featured: South Sound Wedding & Event Magazine: Robbyn & Ron

Filed under: Featured — candid reflections @ 9:35 pm

I met her at an aerobics class, we introduced ourselves in between breaths of air and instantly became friends.  Robbyn was the kind of girl a mom would want to introduce her son to, and that’s exactly how Robbyn met Ron.  I was there when they first set eyes on each other, and it was most apparent to those in observance that from that very first moment the inevitable had been set in motion.  Ron proposed to Robbyn a year later and a wedding date was set!  I was honored to photograph their exchange of vows and reception, and later, delighted to hear that their wedding was chosen to be featured in the Spring 2010 issue of South Sound Wedding & Event Magazine.  While I drove home after shooting Robbyn and Ron’s wedding, I was so full of joy that these two people who were meant for each other had found such happiness.  I’m always so blessed by the amazing people who I get to meet,  and I consider myself a better person because of their friendship in my life.   

Ron and Robbyn also gave me the honor of shooting a “Day After” session.  They got all dressed up again, and we went out and had a super fun time doing things that we just didn’t have time to do on the wedding day, like going boating and running from trains.  I love love LOVE “Day After” sessions –  Check out their “Day After” and you’ll soon discover why!

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