Candid Reflections

February 7, 2009

When Warm and Cool Intermingle

Filed under: Photography — candid reflections @ 8:17 pm

I had to stop and get a shot of this tree line while bringing the historian to band practice the other morning.



  1. Hi, I love this photo. Most specifically the contrast of the bare trees against the crisp, blue sky. Been missing your posts. Hope your little GF guy is doing well! 🙂 I hope you’ll take some spring time photos. Flowers are blooming and trees are budding already here in south Texas.

    Comment by Andrea L. — February 23, 2009 @ 1:06 pm

  2. Thank you Andrea.
    My GF guy is doing well, thanks! I still have lots to learn regarding his diet, but it’s becoming less intimidating the more I’m able to dig in.
    Oh!… spring is a wonderful season and I promise to get out there and capture it with my camera… even though I’m on crutches and can’t go much farther than my porch. I have a budding, Climbing Hydrengea that’s whispering my name!
    Breath in some fresh, southern Texas flowers for me, and a little tan would be nice! 😉

    Comment by candid reflections — March 22, 2009 @ 6:56 am

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